View Profile killy-stabby-1

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Recent Movie Reviews

4 Movie Reviews

i havent even bothered to play waw

and this is exactally why, mind you many of these problems are in cod4, but who cares INFINITY WARD FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!

MoozipanCheese responds:

Can't say I'm a huge fan of Infinity Ward. They make good games but they take their fans for granted and never supported Call of Duty 4 well enough.

i dont wear fur...

i wear leather, animals are on this planet to die, and what better cause then for fashion, seriouisly wearing dead things is sexy!

Rovertarthead responds:

Yeah we should go on a man slaughter and kill human people and wear there skin sometime whouldnt that be great?


are you a witch???? lmfao

Recent Game Reviews

33 Game Reviews

blah wtf

please please please make this longer, some suggestioons for additions are as follows
- more UPGRADABLE classes, as i found that the last two tiers were kinda rushed in there
- longer and a bigger map.
-more strategy involved, i found that i didnt have to use the defensive mode once, or even the retreat that often, i think adding some more strategic ways to take bosses out would be fun, like for instance a pussing beat, where it sends mele units to the front to push while archers drill from behind
-a more even chance for the bosses to appear on the map so that gems arent so hard to find.
All things considered, its still the most fun i've had an a short newgrounds game in a while, and i love the graphics. this style of game definately has places to go

get more words

all the big words i actually know aren't in there sternocleidomastiod for example, mind you it wouldnt be bad if it was just one word but it seems every big one i type comes out invalid and when i take the time to double check the spelling, which is correct might i add, i've lost the round, oh and Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcano coniosis i didnt actually try this but i want to know if any one else has enough skill to type it in, its the worlds longest english word

i like what i see thus far..

good start sor a basic character maker, and i agree this is more of a tool than a game, to get a cool looking character idea to start on, or even for random characters to mess around with, but i still feel it would be more effective if you improved a few key things.

-Placement of certain facial features, some of them seem awkwardly placed like the noses and eyes.
-Ordering certain items to the front would be nice, and simple too, just an "order to front" button, that way i dont have to deal with annoying overlaps that affect how i want my character to look
-colour is a biggie, i understand the difficulty of having to make a colour slide, but if you cant do that then at least make the colour selections make a little more sense, like i forget which section but i would click brown and it would come out pinkish mauve.

again its a great tool, but these drawbacks make it much harder to achieve the look i want, if you were to spend a little more time on the small details like the ones i mentioned it would make it much more effective.

Recent Audio Reviews

6 Audio Reviews

k ignore that other review i wrote.

still though you need a bass, but at least in this song, you really stepped up to the plate with those guitars, please im begging oyu to add some bass, i dont even care about the drums, but i think it would really take your music to the next level.

ugh more common metal..

forgetting a crucial element to your guitars, a base, if you have one in there i cant even hear it, why not, the bass is amazing. still decent, considering there is no base.

ZzEpiCzZ responds:

first of all, it's spelled "bass"... Second of all, I don't have a bass, and as such can't put bass in it. I know it needs bass, I said in the commentary myself that I don't have drums or bass; if I did, this would be a lot more complete.

Thanks for the review anyway, sorry for being a spelling/grammar nazi, lol.

i am me nothing more nothing less

stratton @killy-stabby-1

Age 34, Male

sperm doner

o niell

canada on

Joined on 8/27/05

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